Prayer Support Teams

There must be unceasing prayer to nourish the desire to carry Christ to all men and women.
— Pope St. John Paul II

Offering sacrificial prayer is the most powerful way individuals can serve the mission effort. All participants involved in the work of the mission need to be continually covered in prayer because a mission outreach frequently has a far reaching evangelizing effect that touches many lives. Whenever there is an opportunity for God's Kingdom to be strengthened and united and whenever there is a path opened for people to draw closer in their personal relationship with God, the powers of darkness frequently trying all kinds of tactics to discourage, distract, divide and flat wear us out. Only the more powerful power of prayer can overcome these obstacles.

Prayers supporters are needed

• to keep the SOS mission leadership and mission efforts covered in prayer on a continuous basis so that God's desires are advanced.
• to participate in an 8 day Eucharistic Adoration Prayer Vigil that takes place in participating parishes each time the Travel Teams are on mission. Prayers are offered for the intention that the team members will be kept safe from harm and that God's will be done through them.


Mission Re-Entry Team