Support SOS through Your Will or Living Trust
“As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”
1 Peter 4:10
An excellent way for you to support Sending Out Servants’ Missions is to Bequest SOS in your Will or Living Trust. A significant benefit of making a gift by Bequest is that during your lifetime, it allows you to continue using any property you may wish to Bequest to a Charity.
Another way you can leave a lasting legacy is to consider Sending Out Servants (SOS) in your Will where you also will have the flexibility to change it if life circumstances change. In as little as one sentence, you can complete your gift.
These two types of donations to SOS whether in your Will or through a Living Trust help to ensure that SOS can continue its missionary call to serve the indigenous Maya Communities of Guatemala for years to come.
A bequest is one of the simplest ways to remember those you care about most. If you wish to make a charitable gift by will or living trust to Sending Out Servants you should follow these steps.
Meet with your personal legal counsel and discuss your wish to make a gift by will.
Instruct the attorney or legal counsel to include a line in your will or living trust, designating Sending Out Servants (SOS) a percentage or actual dollar amount.
Inform the SOS office of the pending gift. We value the opportunity to thank you for your generosity.
Please meet your personal financial and/or legal counsel with any specific financial, tax, or legal questions.