Mission Re-entry Team
Frequently, team members return from their mission experiences among the indigenous Maya with a vague awareness that an ‘unidentified internal shift’ has occurred within them. Experts tell us that these experiences require further reflection if we are to grow from them and discern what God wants us to learn through them.
With this in mind, SOS encourages returning team members to participate in a six week Mission Re-Entry Program called Living Stones. Each week participants receive by email a module that focuses on a topic to reflect upon for the week. To reap the most benefit from the reflection modules, participants are encouraged to journal. This is strictly between them and God. SOS's role is to be a conduit through which to help participants continue processing, preserving and integrating their mission experience into their daily life and to help them find a path to remaining faithful to what God has shown them through their mission experience and to who they have become.