Daily Life, Family, and Cultural Sensitivity
The Maya are very hard-working and happy people who tend to prioritize their families and their faith, and most will readily greet a visitor with a smile.
The Maya are also very generous people. They will share what they have and give visitors the best. Meat usually saved for guests to the village or celebrations.
Children are the treasure of the Maya. Frequently, boys start alongside their parents on the family land when they are 7-8 years old to help sustain the family. This usually takes them away from school and if they do attend, they rarely go beyond sixth grade.
Women carry their babies on their back wrapped in a woven cloth for at least a year. Commonly you will see mothers carrying a baby on her back, holding another by the hand, all while carrying a load on her head.
Bodily contact is not common amongst the communities. They are respectful of each other’s space, are often soft spoken, and women commonly will not raise their eyes when speaking to a visitor. It is also not common to hear them yell out or call to one another, giving villages a quiet and serene atmosphere.